How to get rid of COCKROACHES!!!
Lately, ive been attacked by a quite number of cockroaches at my home. they hid under my bed, toilets and even inside my friend's locker because its their habitat, they prefer to live in warm conditions environment that usually found within buildings. Whenever i meet any cockroaches, ill call em oogy. Im sure all of u knew the cartoon Oogy The Cockroaches. So, now i'll be sharing some steps to get rid of em, but before that, i'll show u how does cockroaches look like. There are a few types of cockroaches, but mine is Asian one, since i lived there, their scientific name is BLATELLA ASAHINAI.
1. Identify and Find them
They arent easy to find, since they usually hide in the morning and presence of sunlight. Check your cupboard, locker, under your bed or anywhere dark and suits their species.
2. Figure out their camp / base
If u see any, dont run just yet, follow them until their base. It might be a crack or hole at walls of your house.
3. KILL them!
I would say that this one is rather hard to be accomplished. Not all have the guts to face this coackroaches one-on-one. Even for some decent guy, they might be scared and shout, maybe because of the appearance of cockroaches. Nonetheless, for girls, they would shout "father! come and help me!" while jumping onto their bed, this is the common one i had seen.
All we need is something that is hard and flat enough to kill them, something that u can grab very fast. For example, a pencil box, laptop's battery or even our knuckles, if u have the guts...^^
4. Prevention is better than cure
الوقاية خير من العلاج
-empty trash regularly and keep kitchen clean
-keep food can sealed or prevent opened can in an open environment for a long period of time
-repair any leakage that present in the house
-cracks and holes need to be sealed right away
5. Professional Help
If things are out of control and you can no longer take care of things on your own, professionals help is the only way out. The exterminators will use chemical substance that will be sprayed in your entire house!
These tips are only my opinions, please ignore if i did mistakes or whatsoever
your family members' health is the top priority
cyah ^^